Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Nothing much happened today... was helping my mama do some cleaning, after that use computer.

I was you-tubing and i came across some videos which shows some pictures of people who are underweight and overweight. My underweight is not simply skinny that kind but rather one can see the bones and rips. Those with eating disorder are usually girls because many of them actually either don't eat or puke and tried to vomit once they consume any foods /= This is a NO NO NO... In the end you have achieve your goal but you lose your health. I don't think wearing clothers will be nice and it is not worth it. Health is precious!!!! *No offend* =P

Obesity usually comes from the huge amount of sugars the person consume. Sometimes one really couldn't control but keep on putting more & more foods into the mouth. I saw one video from the you-tube which shows a man consuming more than 10000 calories a day which is a few times more than a normal person would consume (Normal person: approximately less than 2000 depending. Haha never go count b4)

I feel that the best way to cut down weight or maintain the weight is perhaps

1) No tidbits (But occasionally is alright, maybe can use fruits as substitute) (:
2) No fast food
3) Don't eat too much during dinner (But must still eat some foods)

4) Don't go for buffet q=
5) Do not eat more than 2 persons portion of foods
6) Exercise once in a while =P

SAY NO TO SWEET FOODs: Chocolate, sweets ( Haahaa chocolate is really a killer because that time after my O-level's, i work in metro for 4 months and i ate fast food most of the times and not forgetting chocolates. Aftermath i gain 4 kg... meaning 1kg each month X= )

~Random Post~

*Congrat Sab for been selected ((:

Tml is my 2nd round of interview. Hopefully i can get in & jiayou for me (:



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